No, I am never going to get sick of playing with photographs. I've not long found a free kaleidoscope download, so thought I would have a play. I am amazed at what happens on the monitor, and thought some of the results worth sharing. The above photo is a very close-up shot of inside one of my white roses. I did enhance it a little, but in order to not overdo the upload, I have reduced the file a lot.

The next image I used was a partly dead rose, and again an extreme close-up. Sometimes these photographs don't look anything until you have them up on the monitor.
Both of these I find the most striking. The one on the left, well, I'd love a skirt made from this if it were fabric, something swingy.
You have all sorts of options, not just kaleidoscopes. There are 'mirrors', and 'funnels', as well as 'surfaces', ie mound, orb, etc. This one would suit me just fine as a desktop image, but I'm not sure it would be given the stamp of approval here.........
I'm not quite done yet, so bear with me. I used this red rosebud for a little bit more colour. The last two images made me feel like Christmas, and I felt both of these might make ideal wrapping paper for the festive season.
This one is really quite Christmasy in my opinion.
And now to show you that I can leave well enough alone, I'll insert a final photograph. This is a tiny wildflower/weed. I have only enhanced it a little, and will share it as is, as it looks so pretty.
I hope readers enjoy seeing the exciting prospects awaiting if you find the time to play. The one thing I found about doing this was how it made me feel, ie as the colours moved and swirled around on the monitor, I have to tell you, it made me a little queasy. I don't think it's a job for anyone who finds colour movement a little offputting, so be warned!!
Thanks for bearing with me. I am not sure Blogger is in a good mood this afternoon, as I am having difficulty adding the images as I'd like them, and the spacings are out of whack.