I want to share some photographs with readers. We have been having quite a deal of 'noise' each morning, mainly from the cockatoos that have found the crop of chick peas close to our house. The photograph above shows a small flock that had just swooped in ready for breakfast!!
I did manage a zoom in shot, but not sure how clear it will come up. We will soon have galahs as well, and I suppose the corellas will find the crop too. They all seem to love something different to chomp on. I suppose it will be a free for all when the peas begin to set and mature.......
Our dogs have also been barking quite a bit lately, which often means an echidna has found it's way around their little 'town'. We actually found two this morning, burrowing into the soil, trying to find a spot for their daily rest. This one is now hardly visible, having burrowed deeper into the soft soil.
Both were within reach of one of the dogs, but all he could do was bark and look bewildered. This one was very close to that dog's chain anchor, and in slightly harder soil. After I took this photograph, we managed to get a shovel under it, and take it away a small distance where the soil is softer. It can sleep there for today, and perhaps the two of them will waddle off later tonight.
I will just let readers know I shall be absent from blogging for a little while. One of our sons had a house fire on the weekend, and will be in need of some assistance in the coming weeks. Everyone is fine, and not all of their stuff is gone. They were very lucky. Unfortunately, accommodation is virtually non-existant where they live, so that is creating some drama. I am sure they will step up and manage the best way they can. Our children have never really 'needed' us for much, and are confident, competent adults. Having said that, I feel there will be times in the next few weeks when we will need to be around to prop them up.
I had just made a start on a new knitted lace tablemat, a Herbert Niebling design, taken from yet another of my ANNA magazines. This one is being worked in #60 ecru thread, using 1.5mm needles. I did have a hiccup caused by 'not following the map'........... Note to self - read and take in what all the symbols mean, and save yourself some 'unknitting'. Yes, I know I should use some thread lifelines, but perhaps I am just too damned stubborn. There was no design name given, as has been the case in other issues. As I've been working away, and if I can't find a pattern name for this, I think I shall call it 'Phoenix', as I've decided it will be a gift for my DIL when she gets her life back in order. Some of the patterning resembles [to me] flames rising, giving me a distinctly 'phoenix' feeling. I would be grateful if anyone knows this design's name, as I do not have any HN books, just a collection of some of his patterns in ANNA. The photograph below will show my progress prior to the 'unknitting'. I'll probably be at a standstill in a day or so.