Saturday, June 18, 2011

More Vintage Crochet

I've had a few issues with power and Internet lately, so have been keeping a low profile.  The connection seems to be working quite well tonight, so I'll take the opportunity to share a few more of my crochet pieces and older pattern books.  The photograph above shows a little milk jug cover I have made.  It's been worked with #80 crochet thread.

This close up will show how the crochet forms a little cup and saucer.  This type of cover was really used a lot when I was a child, as the milk was always put on the table in a jug.   'Our' milk came from the dairy, and was stored in large glass bottles in the refrigerator.

The pattern for this little cover is in this very old booklet that was given to me years ago by an elderly aunt.  It's almost falling to pieces, and has moved with me many times.  It will be with me for life, as I treasure it greatly.

I have also made this little swirly doiley from the above book.  I love this pattern, made up of simple double crochet, and chain/picot loops.  This little piece is only quite tiny, and is worked in #60 thread.

Another old booklet that I have has some lovely old tea cosy and cushion patterns.  I have made several of them over the years, and thought I would include it in this post.  The tea cosy in the bottom left corner makes up particularly well.  I've always been drawn to the 'van dyke' pattern in crochet.

I have received a request from a reader regarding a pattern for the little baby matinee jacket I shared some weeks ago.  Unfortunately, at this stage I do not have a 'written' pattern.  However, I would not mind working out what my grandmother has done, and then endeavour to write it out.   The lady may come back here to read this, and if so, please do not hesitate to email me and I will try to assist with this project.  I am unable to contact her, as there is a 'non-reply' on the comment.

I seem to have been quite busy helping outside of late, and not getting so much stitching done, but I have been working a little on a bit of knitting in the evenings.  It is very cold here tonight [well, cold for Queensland].   I have a good store of wood inside and am off to settle into a bit of that knitting for a few hours until bed time.  I hope everyone is keeping well.  


shirley said...

Hello my witchy friend, Love your old crochet books and the patterns which probably are not around any more. It is easy to see your crochet work is a very high standard.

Kerrie said...

Hi Linda - I know what you mean about chilly - cold here too and not used to this - I think coldest winter we have had for some time. I remember my mum having jug covers the same with the little cup and saucer on the top - very nice. also love the swirlly doiley - have fun knitting.

Frances Leate said...

Absolutely beautiful crochet Linda - your work is always so perfect. This is a test to see if I can leave a comment with my name and not anonymous. Take care

Jensters said...

My dear friend Linda thanks for visiting my blog as always i love to hear from you it brings a smile to my face x Wonderful crochet and lovely old syle book x

DIAN said...

Linda, I love all of that gorgeous crochet. Will you use the jug cover? Did you always receive your milk in bottles? I remember our milk being delivered from a large milk can and we would go outside to the milkie's truck with our dipper to collect our milk. The first bottles of milk with the silver caps was very exciting.

Those old books look lovely too.

Radka said...

Hi Linda! I love this post :) So much nice crochet, what we now call vintage (are we really so old? noooo!LOL ) I love the old pattern magazines, they are a real treasure. Perfect crochet :))
Hope it is not too cold for you, it is probably not much warmer here, June and we are having heating on in the evenings!

Juliettecherry said...

I really like that swirly crochet, it looks complicated.

I can see from the pattern book what you mean by van dyke crochet, a nice way to combine colours.

These lovely old patterns are a real treasure.

Anonymous said...

Stunning crochet! Love seeing them and the vintage books. Katherine

N. Maria said...

Okay. We must be twins. You love everything that I love! Old time crochet with tiny thread, quilting, knitting.....I'm sure if I took time to read your entire blog, I'd find more similarities!
This is wonderful!