Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thank you

Thank you ladies for the lovely comments. It is so heartening to know people are out there to share and encourage. The blogging world is a wonderful place, so much to learn.

Monday, April 26, 2010

More in the Mail!!!!

It seems the mailman has yet again surprised me with something wonderful. I have not long received this lovely card from a special friend. I have admired the hand painted/embroidered landscapes of an English lady [] for quite some time now. My friend knew this, and purchased this card for me.

I hope you can see some of the detail in the small close up shot. What a thrill to receive such a beautiful card.

I can live in hope that I might manage some work like this one day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wessex Stitchery

Late last year whilst having my daily look at Mary Corbet's site my attention was drawn to a technique called Wessex Stitchery. Mary reviewed a book by the same name by the author Gay Eaton. It looked rather like colourful blackwork to me, so I decided to try to purchase the book. I was fortunate enough to find one quickly.

After reading more and studying the stitches used, I designed a small sewing set in bright colours. This is the result of my efforts. All of the stitching was done in DMC #8 Perlé thread. I quite enjoyed this technique. The stitches were simple.

I would like to try this technique on a larger project next time, perhaps a traycloth [does anyone still use a traycloth??].

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mail Surprises

After a very busy week I was tired and feeling lack lustre with my almost failed embroidery efforts. I'm participating in a swap at the moment, and have been having some bother with this project, ie I have had to re-think what I'm doing because it's not going well!!!!

The mail yesterday certainly cheered me up no end. I was fortunate to receive two back copies of the English magazine Workbox, a lovely card, and a beautifully worked Easter ATC. These were sent by a very dear lady with whom I have formed a wonderful friendship because of our interest in needlework and the computer. I am overwhelmed by the generosity and giving nature of many of the embroiderers I've met 'online', and feel quite humbled to have received such a wonderful keepsake.

I have been working on needlecases so far this year, and will endeavour to post some of the efforts so far. The needlecases are being made each month, so I'm planning to have 12 needlecases by the end of 2010. I have yet to complete April's. It is in the 'pipeline', so here's hoping it's done before May appears.

Friday, April 9, 2010

More Machine Embroidery

This blue fabric has been annoying me since the day I dyed it. It had some considerable working over before overlaying with several slightly different sheers and some free machine stitching. Originally I intended it to be the cover for a small index book, but once the stitching had been done, I just couldn't find a focal point in the correct place.

I finally took the plunge and cut it into several 'other' possible items. I still have some strips to work with so I will make some little 'Inchies' for future use. These two postcards are the result of too much time!!!

Anniversary Blues appears to me to have three elements which remind me of the Blue Mountains and The Three Sisters. Quite some years ago we spent our 25th wedding anniversary at Katoomba, arriving after dark, after a long day driving. We fully intended to view The Three Sisters before leaving early the next morning. Unfortunately, it was misty/foggy. We had to move on, and missed seeing them.

Beading seemed the only embellishment needed for the other version.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fabric Painting/Mixed Media

I have been fiddling with some hand dyed fabric. This was fairly dark when first dyed, so I bleached it a tad, then painted over with metallic paints. I decided to use it to make a sleeve for an index book. The front has added foil appliques, gold cording and fancy yarn. The back has a more flowing embellishment.

April 7, 2010 The First Post

Hello everyone,

Today I have decided to start my own blog. I do hope my friends will bear with me. This is a big step for me.