Saturday, November 17, 2012


It's hard to believe that a fortnight has gone by since I posted last!!  Thank you so much to all who gave me such enthusiastic responses to my knitting.  I have been grappling with a decision lately.  My husband has told me he would like me to have a new camera, a 'better' camera than the little pocket one I currently use.  I would like one, but wonder about the practicality of the purchase.  He says I should purchase one of the DSLR models and just spoil myself, as I will celebrate my 60th birthday in the next few weeks.   A few months ago I took the photographs I'm sharing in this post.  These were taken on a warm sunny afternoon, with my little NIKON Coolpix.  The first three photographs you will see are just as the camera took them, but I've reduced the quality of them in Photoshop.

I really need to be able to take good close-up's, and I'd like the ability to take good, clear zoomed in shots.  This little camera certainly takes good macro shots, but it falls down in the zoom feature - they tend to be a tad grainy.  It is also quite slow to react, which often means a bird or animal has moved during the process............

These next three photos have been slightly enhanced in Photoshop, just a little sharpening, that is all.  You can see the pollen just that little clearer by doing this.

I hope readers will enjoy these.  The hardy old 'pigface' always puts on a good show, and it's such a pretty site in bloom.

I am still thinking.................  I doubt the kids will miss that money in their inheritance.............LOL....

Take care all, and I hope the weather where you are isn't as nasty as it is here at the moment - a hot northerly wind blowing, smoke haze yet again, and the mercury climbing every hour.  It's shaping up to be another hot afternoon!!!


Penny said...

I too had a Nikon coolpix, which I loved, thought about a dslr but decided that I didnt want something as big as that to haul around. I bought the panasonic lumix dmc tz30 and love it. Have a look at it it has a leica lens and infact is basically the same as a leica that is twice the price.

DIAN said...

Linda, I love these pics - a bit of purple - the photoshopping is looking good.

You know my thoughts on cameras after our long discussion on the phone.

I agree with you about the slowness of the response of the Nikon Coolpix. I prefer my little canon but it takes AA batteries and can eat them up.

My granddaughter has a very basic Samsung which has no real zoom feature but takes amazing close ups.

Goodness, Linda, will you really be 60? Is there anything else you would rather spend the money on for your birthday?

Frances Leate said...

Superb photos and I would definitely get that camera. Think of it as 60 years young. Take care.

Jo Vandermey said...

Go to your local camera shop and ask to play with the cameras... Take a flower with you.... Take your own memory card with you so you can take the pics home to see if you like what happens. It is hard to see the results sometime on the small viewer of the camera.
For our 25th anniversary I bought a Nikon 6500 with two lens. It takes great pics. But is heavy. For the majority of pics I use this camera but on vacations it I don't want to lug it around I take my little Nikon with me.
I have a tripod which works great to set up a picture.
Have fun exploring with cameras. Leaving inheritances for kids is over rated....

Radka said...

I you still thinking about it!? Do not hesitate! I have the same problems as you with my camera, but nobody is offering to get me a new one at the moment, LOL! Inheritance? I agree with the last comment - over rated!

Stitching Lady said...

Lovely to see you again - hm, lovely for me to have time to browse blogs - after the awful cold which caught me. And -----don't hesitate. Buy it and enjoy. I am a dummie with cameras I just use what I got 6 years ago. It annoys me, though. Red can't be photographed, colours are never as they should be. I mostly use the self-timer for my close-ups.
It is as it is! Now, take the chance and congratulations to your wonderful husband.

Katherine said...

Linda just do it! You take such gorgeous interesting photos and play around with photoshop so why not invest in a good camera too. Hubby is right, go treat yourself and enjoy the inheritance. I've been telling my parent nearer to 70 that they should be doing the same thing. So will we see a new camera in a few weeks along with some great shots?

margaret said...

Good to see you back bloggng
don`t look a gift horse in the mouth Linda, think I have got the saying right.
Your photos look amazing to me,I only have a sony little camera, can only snap pics and would not have a clue about improving them on photo shop or anywhere else for that matter. Find pinks photo badly but apparantly that is a common problem.

WandarArt.Stitch said...
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embracingitall said...

I do hope you spoil yourself with a new camera. You have so many beautiful things to photograph. There are so many fantastic cameras out there. Good luck choosing. Jacinta


Hello Linda, I reckon you should spoil your self. There is much satisfaction in taking lovely photos.

Your knitting with bling is absolutely incredibly beautiful. Love the beads on it. You do such very very lovely knitting projects. Hugs Judy

Juliettecherry said...

Hope you can find a camera that will suit your purpose. It seems to be a nice gift for your special birthday. As I have often said, I feel I am not good with my camera, but the lovely little one Paddy bought for me is Olympus HD 10 super wide optical zoom. I get on fine with it for the little photography I attempt.

We all enjoy your photos.

Jen said...

HI Linda, Go for the camera as you so enjoy taking lovely photos to show us. Haveing a 60th is special and so are you.
Don't worry about SKI.

Ella said...

Hi Lida i hope you will buy your self new camera .It will be great birthday present and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.Have a great day on your birthday.

Dianne said...

We had the pig face in our garden when we were kids. Your photos are wonderful but if you want the best camera then go for it. You will be only 60 once and you certainly don't look 60!! btw I just bought a Nikon coolpix to replace my broken point and shoot and it is pretty good, but I know what you mean about slow to react! Blow the inheritance!!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. I love the colours